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Did I ever tell you about the time I worked in the sex industry?

My timeline is all off by a year or two on most topics... Here it goes anyway.
After my short-lived mafia days that were not for me, I needed to find another hustle. I was told to come work for him, that I was handsome enough to be a gay or straight male escort by a nightclub patron that frequented the nightclubs I worked at. Little did he know I already had experience in the escort industry in Atlantic City being security, financial collecting, babysitter... stuff like that. That conversation that I had at 20 early-something years old started a career in marketing high-end escort agencies.
I never took this man seriously for 2 reasons, I am not gay & I had enough in Atlantic City working for a real-life pimp with the birth name Goerge Washington and his nephew, phats (more to this another day, another chapter).
I am not sure how long after leaving those crazy Italians that I still love and adore that I gave that escort agency owner a call. I was runing out of monery and had no interest in working with the mafia any longer And yes, he knew I was straight, he knew I would not do anything sexual and he taught me how I would have to do anything but be cute and talkative. 

It's my 1st escorting gig...


He, the agency owner who I will tell more about another time, explained that my 1st client was so high on cocaine, that all I had to do is to keep him talking, ask him questions about himself, find a topic he enjoys and run with it. So I did.  I've never touched a drug until I was 28 years and watching someone become high off something you "sold in the past'', was overwhelming, to begin with; trying to keep this very wealthy and very sloppy middle-aged man happy without doing anything all in one night was a learning experience that I will never forget.
Several months later another situation arose and once again, approached. But this time the client was a straight man and had a bunch of high-end escort women. I didn't ask questions and I went when I heard that there were 7 women there ready to take care of me. Who wouldn't go? Well, that night did not go as planned. A memorable night, but that night did not go as planned (I will explain more later).  I am here to talk about my career in the escort industry, not the details of what happened. 
For now...
Fast forward a few months, and I am answering the phones, calling the escorts, and the drivers, and placing ads. And working on my own LLC "without partners", called - learned a lot from the nightlife industry.  
With that being done, one client adored me so much, he pushed me toward art, music... anything legal. He even paid for me to go to graphic design school and studied desktop publishing.  He ended up being my role model, my father, and my advisor and he never touched me improperly. Years later, I found out why he was so nice to me. He was a part of the Roman Catholic church, on the board for most theaters of the arts while hiding his sexuality from his royal NY-based family. Imagine living like that? I'll talk about this gentleman later in this story, he is a big part of why I became a legit businessman. He saved my life!
The peak of NYC high-end escorting as a whole was one crazy ride. Some great stories; they make me laugh so hard, yet feel just as hard... none, I am proud of. 
The end of the NYC sex industry ended when Mayor Giuliani got elected. He came down on everyone; if you were breaking the law, you eventually got arrested. I very much disliked Mr. Giuliani till my mid-30s, growing up showed me that he too saved my life.
Oh yes. The occasional marijuana use from time to time since I was 18 years old. 
Here's my timeline to the best of my ability to recall... Baby Steps.


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